Explore the Agenda for the 2025 MidSchoolMath National Conference!
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Session sign-up for registered attendees will open in January of 2025; registered attendees will be notified by email when you have the ability to log in and sign up for sessions.

Agenda is subject to change. 

Friday March 7, 2025 3:05pm - 4:20pm MST
Tangrams pieces can be a good tool to provide students opportunities to explore and use their imagination with geometric shapes.

We will share geometric puzzles tricks you can use to help students develop spatial sense. You'll learn strategies to easily make a 7-piece Square, Triangle, Parallelogram, Trapezoid, and a rectangle from 5-piece square using tangram sets.
avatar for Geok Ng

Geok Ng

Professor, Minnesota State University Moorhead
I teach Math content and method courses for Education majors.

Chin Ng

Math Instructior, Central Community College, Hastings, Nebraska
Friday March 7, 2025 3:05pm - 4:20pm MST

Attendees (2)

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